The Salt Plains Of Kutch, Gujarat
I started for the vast salt plains of Kutch in the early fall, when winter was settling in its blossoms. The journey started from Ahmedabad, we were scheduled to visit a small village near the Bhuj, a district of Gujarat, India.
These salt plains are created every year artificially to generate the salt which is then refined and transported to the homes of citizens.
The ground water here is ten times saltier than sea water, which is pumped out using bores and then filled into small fields of about 25 by 25 meters
“As the sun beats down on this water, it gradually turns into silvery salt,
When I was capturing the beautiful salt-scapes, I wondered, if it was the plain who was burning out or the skins of hard working laborers working in the heat.
It was just the time, when they had recently began to dug out water from the ground, and started making big pans. So unfortunately, I could not get the images of final process and product.
I wish I had gone at-least a fortnight later. Nevertheless I enjoyed some hours on the vast barren land. Even the saline tears can make someones meal palatable.